Louis Vuitton Handbags Messenger Bags Cowhide M11607
$153.00 $202.00
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Top-quality original replica M11607. This Steamer Crossbody handbag renews the classic design of the Steamer series. It is made of LV Colorado fine-grained cow leather to create a rounded messenger bag configuration, achieving a comfortable carrying experience. The flip cover is embellished with the L.Vuitton logo, and the LV combination lock and bead chain decoration complete the overall look. 30 x 20 x 10 cm (length x height x width) A
Brands: Louis Vuitton
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pretty bag, came before the expected date. thought it would be a bit bigger but its okay
The color is exactly the same, beautiful and elegant. It arrived a lot before the date, like 10 days and in the great combined shipping because it arrived all products at once
Very cool replica bag!!!
Until I tried, it looks decent
lv bag cool